Ahmad Satria Anugrah Agus Nur


Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings.
Alhamdulillah, Alhamdulillahirabbil Alamin, Wabihinastain Allaumuriddunyawaddin Wassholatu Wassalamu style sayyidil Mursalin Wa'ala alihi wasahbihi ajmaain, Amma ba'du.
The jury and Gentlemen, Ladies and Gentlemen teacher, the presence of the audience happy and my friends that I loved.
There is no appropriate word we speak, but the words of gratitude (Alhamdulillahirabbil '.alamin) as a weak servant, who dhoif, who always forget the favors rendered.
Sholawat and greetings (allahumma Sholli ala Muhammad) may terlimpahkan to our master the Prophet akhiriz times he is the best man in the world is the Great Prophet Muhammad. We always follow the sunnah of his treatise we continue the struggle and we look forward to later in Yaumul kiyamah intercession. Allahumma Amen amen.
Presence rahimakumullah audience.
Every human being has certainly had parents. None man who was born without parents. Then we must honor our parents.
Besides having parents, we also have a teacher, the teacher is the one who taught us about the science, how noble they are, so we shall devote to the teacher. Is it right .... ?
So in this happy occasion let me deliver a lecture titled "Dedicated to parents and teachers"
Friends and the whole audience. Come on, thank God. Come on, bersalawat to the prophet. And come on, filial to parents and teachers.
The audience and the jury, would you go to heaven? Come on, like it or not? If not, here's how: The one respect your mother, your father respected two-two, three-three teachers respect the father's mother, one two three way to heaven.
Attendees rahimakumullah presence.
As Muslims we shall devote to both parents as spoken in Surat an-Nisa 'verse 36 which reads:
Wa'budullaha wala wa tusyrikubihi syai'an wabil lidaini ikhsanan.
Which means: Worship Allah and do not associate him with anything. and do good to parents
The verse above commands us to always worship God, and to do good to our parents.
Audience and jury? Actually Who is the old man?
The old man, the man who gave birth to us, people who take care of us, people who have been educating and raising us. Is it right? We will not be born if there is no father and mother, well what exactly? because the father and the mother until we were born to this world. So we shall devote to our parents. but what reality. there are also the same brave parents, parents refuse orders. Do not respect their parents. Ladies here are not the same parents still dare to behold ....? but the phenomenon now, when children are asked to recite the same parents. Rather than read paragraph seats, eeehhh instead he slammed a chair. But turn away parents go to parties, although not invited, he just went ballistic. Afraid to miss watching electrons are rocking ngebooor. Naudsu billahi. Here there is not that like that ..? if you ask me there, but sedikitji ....
Attendees Try Imagine ...!
Mr. we've struggled with all his strength and mind (in other words Drudge) for what? for what try! to earn a living, to provide for the family, including our needs.
Mothers who had conceived us. hard for 9 months 9 days. Bitter taste. But what. mother remained sincere patience and trust in Allah. Mothers who breast-feed us. over 2 years of pain not felt tired not considered. Mothers who take care of us. guide us and provide all the necessities of life kita.demi what try! Demi accomplished our goal. mother willing to sacrifice anything, so, we as a child should not refuse orders tua.kita people should respect the elderly.
Because if we are brave or seditious in older people ...! we can be classified great sinners, in our world it is difficult to obtain the benefits of life and the Hereafter will receive flames of hell.
I respect the jury ...!
Perhaps not if we make distressed parents?
that should not be, let us as a child obedient and respectful to our parents. Although we're busy playing or longer bother to do their homework, if in order parents should immediately do so.
"Ah ...... ..nanti first, was busy playing, nich .......! rich replied 'it should not be. Bebesar sinner!
Allah Ta'ala says, which means:
"And we have commanded man (to be good) to both parents, his mother who had conceived him in a weakened state that is getting weaker, and weaning in two years, then be thankful to him and berbaktilah to your parents. Obey advice, and obey his orders.
Therefore, we as a child, it should obey the order and advise the parents, as it also, we carry out the commands of Allah.
As spoken by Allah's Apostle Muhammad "Ridhallahu fi ridai walidain"
which means: God Ridho it, depending on the pleasure of the parents.
therefore Let us all occasionally snap our parents and do not ever say "hus" Say to the father of the mother of our good words and noble.
Ladies, Presence rahimmakumullah.
in addition to obey the command of parents, at times we need to pray for both of them, like this do'anya "Bismillahirrohmaanirrohim"
"Allahhummaghfirli Waaliwalidaiiya warhamhumma kamaa robbayaani shoghiro"
which means: "O Allah, forgive my sins and the sins of my parents, just treat them as they love me at a time when small."
Since childhood we cuddled, loved by our parents, in the hope of what coba.dengan hope that so pious child or sholekhah, diligent prayer, diligent Koran, the elderly are respected and love Islam to death.
Ladies and Gentlemen
Besides honoring parents, we also have to respect the father's mother a teacher, because it was he who taught us with a wide range of knowledge and educate us to be useful in the future. No matter how high their rank or position of a person. they certainly former students who remain indebted to his teacher ever mendidiknya.betul ...?
Islam teaches us to respect and honor him as our teacher glorify mother father kita.karena they are conveying knowledge to us for a happy afterlife. And also as a mother substitute our father when we were in school.
Allah's Apostle said: Who glorifies the pious or her real teacher glorify God ..
Hopefully we become waladun solihun. Aamin yes Robbal 'Alamin
So what can I say, may be useful for us all and finally "No ivory that is not cracked" Nothing is nothing perfect, although there must be a small defect and blemish.
Irian Bird Bird of Paradise, that's all and thank you .....
Wassalamu'alaikum Wr.Wb.


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